Agudo Family first Public Living Is So Big Event on August 29, 2010
(Jesus, Iliana & Christopher Agudo)
Before April 2010 reasons for living were just a handful; not much effort was put into living our lives to the fullest. Every day for us was just that, another day, nothing special." -Agudo family.
On April 10th, 2010 their views on living life were forever changed when seventeen year old Christopher, made the decision that he no longer had any reason to live and tried to end his life. Living Is So Big started as a campaign. Only a "handful" of reasons were simply not enough. Jesus Agudo and Iliana Agudo were going to take whatever steps necessary to change their son's perception on life and wanting him to live life to its best potential. So, a plea for help went out: "Please send us your priceless thought so that we can show him the many reasons to live for." Additionally, "" was created and 200 Living Is So Big wristbands were ordered and purchased the same night. The family began approaching people on the street via festivals and events, asking them for one thing for which they were grateful in exchange for one wristband. People were touched and wanted to help. They started giving reasons why they were happy and why they appreciated their lives.
For the Agudo family, living life itself no longer carries just a "handful of reasons." Through the help of strangers, the "realization" was made that living itself is so big, and life itself should always be appreciated.
Living Is So Big (LISB) is about life appreciation. It may be easy for some of us to say, “Yes, I appreciate my life.” But with so much clutter, distraction, and negativity many of us tend to forget about the living aspect of life. We only have the now. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. This moment, right here and right now, we have a choice. We can choose to appreciate the many blessings that each of us have. We can choose to change our perception and begin to realize that “nothing happens to us and everything happens for us.” Each day is a learning experience, and it is through this universal experience that we grow.
Focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and expressing gratitude for them will allow for wonderful things to happen for us. This is exactly what happened for Christopher Agudo. A negative thought cascade brought him to the brink of ending his life, and a positive thought cascade of reasons, good things that existed for him even when he felt like life wasn’t worth living, are exactly what brought him out of his depression and has forever changed his life for the better. Understanding and implementing this can, at times, be difficult to do. Living Is So Big is here to help.
Today, Jesus (father), Iliana (mother) and Christopher (son) are touring the United States to reach people with the desire to effect a positive change in their lives. To date, they have traveled over 100,000+ miles and have visited 90+ cities. They go to high schools, universities, businesses, stores, and events spreading the message of Universal Life Appreciation.

LISB spreads awareness about the positive and uplifting moments in life that most of us tend to pass over, forget, or take for granted. It has become easy for us, in this day and age, to focus on the aspects of life that make us feel uncomfortable. It seems we have been conditioned to dwell in feelings of sorrow and despair. This narrow form of thinking ultimately blinds us from the bigger picture; that Living Is So Big. The ones behind LISB are helping people realize that life is worth appreciating, and living it to its best potential is worth it.
Regardless of what anyone is going through, it is the intention of LISB to make their day brighter, and more fulfilling. They want to assist people in finding their own reasons to continue living. They want to help people develop genuine appreciation for the little things in life.
This website acts as a haven for anyone to come to. A haven that can remind one why Living Is So Big. You will find people from every walk of life, all over the world promoting their own personal reasons why Living Is So Big. Each reason is equally important and profound. You are encouraged to share yours!
"Help us spread Universal Life Appreciation throughout the world. Together we can make someone’s day a little better. And whether we reach one individual or billions, a smile created is beyond priceless. Your reason may just save a life!" -Founders of Living Is So Big.
LISB is gaining support all over the world, reaching many places across the globe including Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Africa, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, France and many more. Join in on the fun and help others realize that Living Is So Big!.
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Other trademarks of Mynifest, LLC are: "Living Is So Big" (TM), "The Power of Life Appreciation" (TM), "Life's Dream Formula" (TM) and "Eight Living Realizations" (TM)