I am, Infinite

What is “infinite?”  Why is it considered one of the Eight Living Realizations?  Well, we’re glad you asked!

We have come to a conclusion that many people seem to not recognize.  Across our journey we noticed that only a small amount of people wrote down something that has yet to occur as their reason for living life, which is in their “yet-to-come” future.  For example, “Living Is So Big because I am going to be a Grandfather!”  Or, “Living Is So Big because we are going to be moving into our first apartment, very soon.”  Do you get it?  That is what “Infinite” is all about. 

“I am, Infinite” which means, I am of infinite possibilities.  I will throughout my existence create and discover new realizations.  I will never give up searching the universe for such creation and discoveries.  I will always do my best to have my heart and mind opened up with good intentions.  To further explain what Infinite means, it is that something great, many great things will happen to you that have yet to happen; you just have not experienced it yet!  Always be excited for what has yet to come, because, eventually, it will be right there for you to experience.

Author: Jesus Agudo

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